Do I have to download purchased content?

Since you can choose exactly what content you need, this is only downloaded once you have made a purchase. This saves space on your device and means you get up-to-date content as soon as you purchase.


How much disk space will the content take?

The size of each unit varies depending on the exact content which it contains. The average size of one unit is approximately 55 MB and one level (8 units) is approximately 450 MB.


Will the content I purchase be available offline?

Yes. All content available within the app can be used offline. You will only need to be online to unlock and download content, give feedback, and restore purchases.


Will the app use any data when I am not downloading purchased content?

From time to time, the app will send usage information which will enable us to fix problems and make improvements. This data contains no personal information and cannot be linked to you.


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